Wind: South Westerly
Temperature: 54 F 12.2 C
At 20 minutes past 4pm an earthquake was felt by several people who noted it in their diaries.
Edward Corbet, half-starved after surviving in the woods on what he has been able to steal from the camp at night, returns to the camp and gives himself up. He confesses to stealing the frock but denies the theft of the cows which went missing on the same night that he 'de-camped'. He claims to have seen the head of one of the convicts and the remains of a human body on a fire. It may have been the head of Peter Burn.
Elizabeth Munday, daughter of
John Munday, a marine, and
his wife Ann.
Henry Petrie,
a marine, after a long illness.
Marine Officers, Marines, Ships Crews and Officials, with families