Wind: Light land and sea breezes
Temperature: 62 F 16.6 C
At Botany Bay, Governor Phillip visits the grave of the French abbé, Pére Receveur a member of the expedition led by La Perouse. Above the grave, and painted on a sign nailed to a tree, is an inscription in Latin. Governor Phillip has the inscription engraved onto a plate of copper and nailed onto the same tree.
Governor Phillip and the rest of the party return to Sydney Cove and meet a large party of aborigninals, between 200 and 300 men armed with clubs, spears hatches and shields. Governor Phillip approches them alone and unarmed and meets with a single man, also unarmed. Soon the two groups are mingling amiably. None of the aboriginals are carrying any of the missing tools of the two men murdered on the 30th May.
Orders are given that no party under 6 armed men is to go into the woods and no boats are to leave Sydney Cove.
John Price, convict, transported on the
Rachel Early, convict, transported on the
William Douglas, convict, transported on the
Mary Groves, convict, transported on the
Prince of Wales.
Marine Officers, Marines, Ships Crews and Officials, with families