Wind: Light SSE breezes
Temperature: 70 F
Barometer: 29.98
A party from the Supply go ashore at Sydney Cove, erect a flagstaff, raise the union jack and 'take possession' for his majesty the King. Several volleys are fired by the marines and toasts are drunk to his Majesty, the Royal Family and the success of the new colony.
The two French ships under the command of La Perouse enter Botany Bay and anchor on the north side. Brief meetings take place between the English and the French.
The English fleet sets sail for Sydney Cove. There are several collisions as they manouever their way out of Botany Bay. The Prince of Wales loses her jib-boom and suffers torn sails when she collides with the Friendship. The Charlotte loses the carved work on her stern when she collides with the Friendship. By nightfall all the ships of the First Fleet are at anchor in or near Sydney Cove.
Copyright Kit Devine