Virtual Sydney Rocks Guidebook

Day by Day 1788

Monday, 21st January



Wind: NE Breezes

Temperature: 75 F

Barometer: 30.21

Routine Events

Supplies tranferred between ships, water loaded, fishing with nets. The fishing party encounters Aboringines who take some of the fish.

Work begins on building sawpits, 4 tents are pitched and a small group of soldiers is stationed onshore.

Joshua Bentley, son of sailor Joshua Bentley and convict Mary Bolton, is christened.

Significant Events

Governor Philips, Capts. Hunter and Collins take 3 boats to explore northwards to Broken Bay in the hope of discovering a better harbour and more suitable land. They enter Sydney Harbour and find it "greatly superior in every respect" to Botany Bay.

Lieuts. Dawes and King explore 12 miles up the western inlet of Botany Bay.

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