Virtual Sydney Rocks Guidebook

Day by Day 1788

Sunday, 17th February



Wind: N Breezes

Temperature: 73 F

Barometer: 29.94


The Reverend Mr Johnson held a service attended the crew of the Sirius.

WEDDINGS celebrated by the Reverend Mr Johnson.

William Snaleham (also Snailhorn), convict, transported on the Scarborough and Elizabeth Needham, convict, transported on the Lady Penrhyn.

William Eggleton (also Bones), convict, transported on the Alexander and Mary Dickenson, convict, transported on the Lady Penrhyn.

Richard Middleton, convict, transported on the Scarborough and Martha Kennedy, convict, transported on the Prince of Wales.

William Brown, convict, transported on the Alexander and Sarah Taylor, convict, transported on the Prince of Wales.

John Bryant, convict, transported on the Charlotte and Ann Coombs, convict, transported on the Charlotte the Friendship and the Prince of Wales.

John Baughan (also Bingham also Buffin), convict, transported on the Friendship and Mary Cleaver, convict, transported on the Charlotte.

Charles Repeat, convict, transported on the Alexander and Lucy Wood, convict, transported on the Lady Penrhyn.

William Holmes, convict, transported on the Scarborough and Rebecca Davidson, convict, transported on the Lady Penrhyn.

Thomas Brown, convict, transported on the Charlotte and Elizabeth Barber, convict, transported on the Friendship.

John Silverthorn, convict, transported on the Alexander and Mary Wickham, convict, transported on the Charlotte.


Father Le Receveaur, a naturalist from the Astrolabe

, from wounds recieved in the Navigator's Islands.

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